Tianyi Luo 2015-08-17
来自cslt Wiki
Plan last week
- To summit the final version of EMNLP 2015.
- To release the sentence vector of RNN with baidu's corpus about similar questions.
- To use the vectors of UV decomposition as the dark knowledge of DNN.
- To implement other methods to get latent user and item vectors as the dark knowledge of NN.
Work done in this week
- Be prepare and make a report to Huilian in 2015-08-13.
- Summit the final version of EMNLP 2015 in 2015-08-15.
- Conduct uv decomposition(100 iterations and d = 1000. 170 thousand users, 30 thousand items and 20 million ratings) in giant-1, it run 94 hours and did not stop. I think I should thingk about sparse decomposition solution.
Plan to do next week
- To release the sentence vector of RNN with baidu's corpus about similar questions.
- To use the vectors of UV decomposition as the dark knowledge of DNN.
- To implement other methods to get latent user and item vectors as the dark knowledge of NN.
- To thingk about how to modify <<Learning from LDA using Deep Neural Networks>>.