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Task Tracking (DeadLine)
Dong Wang
- Finish CNSRC challenge plan
- Deal with ICASSP response
- Keep on survey for multi-modal information fusion
- Keep on multi-modal technique review
Yunqi Cai
- Capsnet generative model investigation
Lantian Li
- Push CNCSRC plan
- Make Real AM rebuttal
Ying Shi
- Speech engrave (text attend speech)
- attention visualization here
Haoran Sun
Chen Chen
- Finish course thesis
- Test UASR with different phone symbol
- Figure out reason of the influence of symbol
- Test w2v2.0 feats with other NN instead of GAN
Pengqi Li
Weida Liang
- Finish wav2vec+decoder model and do self-evaluation test
- evaluate the scale of network
- Finish the never-before seen test
- Paper sharing on Wednesday
Zixi Yan
- Thchs30 speech recognition using Kaldi
- Try using the WAV2VEc feature in Kaldi speech recognition, modify
Sirui Li
- Compare the effect of wav2vec parameter tuning
- Prepare group report
- Extract Chinese features for GAN
Haoyu Jiang
- Calculate the acc of each segment score
Ruihai Hou
Renmiao Chen