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Task Tracking (DeadLine)
Dong Wang
- Completed designing speech filter approach
- Keep on reviewing thermal face recognition
- Keep on reviewing thermal face recognition
Yunqi Cai
- Thermal face recogonition baseline
- Thermal face recogonition baseline
Lantian Li
Ying Shi
- Mongolian asr baseline
- Mongolian E2E model
Haoran Sun
- expriments and paper for emotion
- paper and code for emotion
- verify our conclusion with other emotion recognition models
Jiao Han
- Prepared bi-weekly report and MG experiments.
- Experiments about splicing DNF networks to verify the system.
Di Wang
- Baseline of dual channel validation experiments on public security system data
- Verification experiments on different methods
Tiankai Zhi
- Mongolian database paper, experiments(GMM TDNN CTC)
Chen Chen
- Enhance-Evaluate pipeline(traditional methods)
- Enhance-Evaluate pipeline(NN-based methods)
Jingxin Shen
- Check infrared data
- Reproduce the SpeakingFaces code with our own infrared data set
Pengqi Li
- Modified the code and make some experiment
- simulation experiment of Sine Wave Regression
- simulation experiment with DRT