Ubuntu: set nfs server

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How To Set Up an NFS Mount on Ubuntu 14.04

1. install nfs-kernel-server on the host server

a) sudo apt-get update
b) sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server

2. install nfs-common on the client computer

a) sudo apt-get update
b) sudo apt-get install nfs-common

3. edit /etc/exports on the host server to share your folder

a) add "directory_to_share client(share_option1,...,share_optionN)" to /etc/exports
    example: assume your client IP is

4. create the NFS table that holds the exports of your shares and start NFS service

a) sudo exportfs -a
b) sudo service nfs-kernel-server start

5. mount the shared folder on the client computer.

a) mount <hostIP>:directory mount_point
    example: assume your mount point is /mnt/nfs/home, hostIP is, shared folder is /home
    mount /mnt/nfs/home
  • note:
    i. you should keep the username of the server and client the same so that the you have the authority to write 
    ii. if you want to write a sh file to mount the folder, please chmod +x <yourfilename>.sh using your username or the owner will change
    iii. you can show the owner by typing: ls -l