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Task Tracking (DeadLine)
Dong Wang
- Investigation on IB/VC
- Odyssey paper
Yunqi Cai
Lantian Li
- Push CNCSRC (Update Sunine)
- Finish ASVSpoof response
- Polish C-P Map
Ying Shi
Haoran Sun
- AutoVC with adversarial training
- odyssey paper
Chen Chen
- Review papers about lip-reading & audio-visual speech recognization
- Done: Prepare data & environment for experiments of AV-HuBERT
- Review papers about lip-reading & audio-visual speech recognization
- Do experimrnts of AV-HuBERT
Pengqi Li
- Verify the reliability of visualization methods on small data models
- Experiment and analyze visualization methods on big data model
Weida Liang
Zixi Yan
- Asr experiments on different layers of multilingual W2V model
Sirui Li
- Find and learn the mose system
- Train and test the mose system
Haoyu Jiang
- Train the CN-Celeb baseline
- Go on training
- Prepare data
Ruihai Hou
- finish speaker diarization interface and generate diarization figure
Renmiao Chen
- test and adjust single-modality modal
- learn and use decoupled PLDA for cross-modal test