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Task Tracking (DeadLine)
Yibo Liu
- Use another word vector and lyrics training set to train a model for lyrics generation. (Ongoing)
- Reconstruct code and make it flexible for different baseline models.
Xiuqi Jiang
- Focused back on the quatrain generation, thinking of the drawbacks of current model.
- Tried to weaken the attention mechanism between sentences.
- Add VAE into model and try to generate instead of predicting.
Jiayao Wu
- continue doing sparse-node experiment using the mask method
- run through the first experiment
Zhaodi Qi
- Finish the speech language recognition of speech book.
- Compared the experiments of tdnn model under different duration test sets
- Research on model acceleration and model compression
- Do experiments to make the lid model smaller and faster
Jiawei Yu
- Finish the speech emotion recognition of speech book.
- Learning the tensorflow tutorial.
- keep learning tensorflow and do some experiment.
Yunqi Cai
- 1.Run through the bert model. the details of the bert model.
Dan He
- Doing some comparative experiments about TT-decompositions.
- Summarize the results of the comparative experiments and initially complete the relevant research on TT-decomposition.
Yang Zhang
- (I will finish all my exams on Friday night)