140408-Shi Yin

来自cslt Wiki
2014年4月8日 (二) 10:56Yinshi讨论 | 贡献的版本

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Accomplished this week

  • Readed the papers about VAD with DNN.
  • Readed the papers about speech recognition with far-field.
  • Readed the code about VAD which is written by Zhiyong Zhang.
  • Familiar with the whole process of VAD with DNN.
  • Completed on the part of the code about VAD with DNN.

Next Week

  • Complete the whole code of VAD with DNN.
  • Complete the work about speech signal acquisition of far-field.
  • Continue reading the papers about speech recognition with far-field.
  • Continue reading the papers about VAD with DNN.
  • Try to imporve the method about VAD with DNN.