Nlp-progress 2017/01

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2017年2月23日 (四) 04:18Zhangsy讨论 | 贡献的版本

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Daily Report

Date Person start leave hours status
2017/1/9 Andy Zhang
Shiyue Zhang 12:00 18:00 5
  • try to implement beam search on NMT
Peilun Xiao
2017/1/10 Andy Zhang
Shiyue Zhang 9:30 19:00 8+
  • try to implement beam search on NMT
Peilun Xiao
2017/1/12 Andy Zhang
Shiyue Zhang 13:30 19:00 5
  • almost finish the implementation of beam search, debugging
Peilun Xiao
2017/1/13 Andy Zhang
Shiyue Zhang 14:00 19:30 5
  • done with the implementation, and successfully run, but still need more refining and validation
Peilun Xiao
2017/1/16 Andy Zhang
Shiyue Zhang 9:30 20:20 9
  • fixed the bug of beam search and tested it on 1002 sentences.
  • weekly meeting
  • found the way to run word2vec, wrote the code and tested it successfully
  • since the 150m data is secret, give the code to Teacher Feng.
Peilun Xiao