来自cslt Wiki
Speech Processing
AM development
- morpheme RNN-zhiyuan
- RNN MPE --zhiyuan and xuewei
- hold
- Change the prediction from fbank to spectrum features
- investigate alpha parameter in time domian and frquency domain
- ALPHA>=0, using data generated by reverber toolkit
- consider theta
- compute EER with kaldi
RNN-DAE(Deep based Auto-Encode-RNN)
- hold
- deliver to mengyuan
Speaker ID
- DNN-based sid --Lantian
Ivector&Dvector based ASR
- hold --Tian Lan
- Cluster the speakers to speaker-classes, then using the distance or the posterior-probability as the metric
- dark-konowlege using i-vector
- train on wsj(testbase dev93+evl92)
- --hold
Dark knowledge
- test random last output layer when train MPE--zhiyuan
bilingual recognition
- imbalance dataset(10h,100h and 1400h) to train without share--Zhiyong and mengyuan
- record utterances mixed with Chinese and English
language vector
- hold --xuewei
- random the last layer, train MPE--zhiyuan
Text Processing
- character-lm rnn(hold)
- lstm+rnn
- check the lstm-rnnlm code about how to Initialize and update learning rate.(hold)
W2V based document classification
- APSIPA paper
- CNN adapt to resolve the low resource problem
Pair-wise LM
- draft paper of journal
Order representation
- modify the objective function(hold)
- sup-sampling method to solve the low frequence word(hold)
- journal paper
binary vector
- nips paper
Stochastic ListNet
- done
relation classifier
- done
plan to do
- combine LDA with neural network