来自cslt Wiki
Dialog system
plan to be done
- Spell mistake : xingchao
- using ngram to get candidate sentence.
- order problem : liurong
- add vsm and BM25 to strengthen the ability of search.
- Synonyms word to extract "办理"->"办",“办理”
- the good IDF to suit the government domain.may the word important from Sogou search.
- tag
plan to discuss
- Structured Knowledge from duxingkai
- template structure :{本体类}-{范围,限定}-{动作}:{户口}-{木里县,残疾人}-{办理,补办},办理项模板:{办理流程,如何办理}
- knowledge map: ontology , instance and action. it is to presented to the user.
- Structure Knowledge from teacher wang
- Template information:
- add the attribute to the template and 如何办理户口 -> {木里县}:具体咨询当地相关部门。
- Build Knowledge or computer representation
- the tree of knowledge representation. currently represention may include the ontology of knowledge in specific(like triples),the strong relation of freebase.
- transform of static knowledge and dynamic knowledge
- answer select using node of knowledge ,like 我该怎么办理户口呢" -> [户口] [办理] -> answer."我该怎么办理户口呢,具体流程是什么" -> [户口] [办理] [流程]-> answer.
- some others.
- convert customer data to our data(like nanshandata)
- answer classification
- question classification