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This Week
Xiaofei Kang
- Finish the Speaker Recognition experiment:mouth with candy, normal chat
- Understand all the scripts of the Speaker Recognition experiment, and then learn to modify it.
Miao Zhang
- finish the experiments on five kinds of speech
- optimize the vad parameter to improve the performance
- finish the new human test website
Yanqing Wang
- retraining task: experiments are in progress, some time needed.
- all experiments should be done.
- TRP of retraining task.
Ying Shi
- apply mongodb and ajax on the data checking website
- with mongodb we are not depend on file lock anymore
- there is no need to save web state(except some cookie) after employ ajax
- continue to learn crawler
- setup server for m2asr (use sheep02)
- design crawler program
Yixiang Chen
- plot tsne picture for 863 & fisher-5000 data set
- find why performance of wisper better than performance of chat
Lantian Li
- T-sne plot for speaker segmentation preparation [1].
- check TASLP and NIPS paper.
Zhiyuan Tang
- Updated the auto-scoring system with the newest version of Kaldi. Several patches need to be repaired.
- Kaldi book writing.
- Initial version of auto-scoring system.
- Kaldi book writing.