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2024年9月23日 (一) 10:01Zhangyu讨论 | 贡献的版本

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People This Week Next Week Task Tracking (DeadLine)
Dong Wang
Lantian Li
Ying Shi
Zhenghai You
Junming Yuan
  • double check mixed Hubert code:
    • fix some bugs (time-mask.etc)
    • time-mask vs. feat mask: (27.66%, 23.32%) vs.(23.19%, 25.99%)
    • softmax+CE vs. sigmoid+BCE: (27.66%, 23.32%) vs.(26.24%, 23.91%)
    • feat-mask MT hubert (in progress)
Chen Chen
Xiaolou Li
Zehua Liu
Pengqi Li
Wan Lin
Tianhao Wang
Zhenyu Zhou
Junhui Chen
Jiaying Wang
Yu Zhang
  • Dataset collection from THS
  • Retraining R^2 SAC paper, with same env still failed (TCN ACC: 0.708, RECALL: 0.183), will check with Han this week
  • Paper reading and some plan (report this Fri)
Wenqiang Du
Yang Wei
Yue Gu
Qi Qu
  • KWS:
    • Finding ideal thresholds for b0-models in predefined scenes: Chinese Mandarin, Cantonese, Uyghur and Kazakh.
    • Finding ideal thresholds for b6-models with fixed b0-model thresholds.
  • AED:
    • Fixing parameters of Fbank feature extraction for CED and retraining classifiers.