FreeNeb-progress 2017.1

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2017年1月4日 (三) 11:39Zhaomy讨论 | 贡献的版本

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Daily Report

Date Person start leave hours status
2017.01.03 Yang Wei 9:23 am 9:30 pm 12h7m
  • continue training 300G Japanese corpus
Ziwei Bai 9:30 pm 8:50pm 9h
  • prepare the script for test RNN Chatting
shugen wang 9:00 am 6:50 pm 8h50m

open smile materials

2017.01.04 Yang Wei 9:17 am 8:30 pm 11h13m
  • continue training 300G Japanese corpus
Ziwei Bai

shugen wang 8:50 am 6:50 pm 9h00m
  • open smile materials
  • fix a bug of the original vad code