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Prof. Sadaoki Furui visit CSLT
OLR Challenge 2018 Workshop concluded successfully
CSLT 优秀生扶助计划2018(第二批)学校和学生遴选启动
Visiting of Prof. Hemant A. Patil
OLR Challenge 2018 Results Released
Visiting of Prof. Chin-Hui Lee
Lab Open for Tsinghua's 107 Birthday
Miao presented three papers in Toronto
Three papers accepted by ICASSP
Zhiyuan and Lantian were awarded
OLR Challenge 2017 Results Released
Prof. Hiroya Fujisaki visit CSLT
Call for the Oriental Language Recognition 2017 Challenge
Prof. Biing-Hwang (Fred) Juang from Georgia Visit CSLT
AP16-OLR challenge results released
OC16-MixASR-CHEN challenge results released
Two best papers in OCOCOSDA 2016
Left and new members of CSLT in 2016
Machine learning summer seminar
Excellent student award for Lantian Li
Special Session on Mixlingual Speech Processing on O-COCOSDA 2016
Special Session on Multilingual Speech Processing on APSIPA 2016
Chao Zhang from Cambridge University visit CSLT
Best paper award in APSIPA2015
Prof. Thomas Fang Zheng elected as APSIPA VP-conference
Free Chinese speech database THCHS-30 released
Three students graduated from CSLT
Prof. Christian Ritz from University of Wollongong visit CSLT
Free Uyghur speech database THUGY-20 released
Prof. Nobuaki Minematsu from the University of Tokyo visit CSLT
Guorong Chen, Jie Li from CUST visit CSLT
VPR standard proposed by CSLT and collaborators published
Prof. Tanja Schultz from KIT Germany visit CSLT
Dr. Andrew Abel from University of Stirling, UK visit CSLT
Prof. Nick Evans from EURECOM visit CSLT
Conference attendance in Singapore
Prof. AlanBlack from CMU Visit CSLT
Prof. Woon-Seng Gan from NTU Visit CSLT